into hopeful green stuff weaving
As the “unmow’d” questers summit the hill, dreaming of Fairy Field, they fall into a void. At first lost in the abyss, they find one another, and begin the task of conjuring atmosphere, object, and landscape through their collective magicks and memories. They alchemize the physical and metaphysical materials of “unmow’d”, crafting a homeplace.
Presented in Spring 2023 at the Bessie Schoenberg Dance Theater
Developed and Performed by K. Annie Bingham and Sophie Teachout
Lighting Design by Gwen Appenfeller
Sound by Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith and Bibio
Costumes by Annie and Sophie, with guidance from Amy Page
Photographed by Maria Baranova
Nourished by feedback and support from Beth Gill, Yanira Castro, and TBA Spring 2023